Where There is No Wrong Way to Cosplay
Promoting Acceptance, Creativity, Expression and Fun for all cosplayers.

News & Updates
GMX Cosplay has a new official logo!
GMX Cosplay will be a guest at Saratoga Comic Con
GMX Cosplay Will be a guest at Conklin Con next June!
New Cosplays added: Deather Eater
John Constantine
Darth Nihilus Photo set updated.
Electric City Comic Con review posted.
Convention Schedule updated!
Hudson Valley Comic Con Officially not returning.
GMX Cosplay 2023 schedule Will be posted in Janruary
East Coast Comic Con delayed until 2023
New Page Added:
Contest Awards
New Conventions Added:
Puchi Con
Castle Point Anime Convention.
New Cosplay projects being worked on. Ash Ketchum. Gambit & Casey Jones
Newburgh Toy & Collector show is run by GMX Cosplay & Bare Bonez Cinemas. Next show is in March of 2023.

There is no wrong way to cosplay
At GMX Cosplay, I follow a code that no cosplay should go unnoticed or judged in any negative way. To me, cosplay is a fun way to escape reality, portray your favorite character and display your unique creativity. No matter your height, weight, gender, ethnicity, no one should ever be made to feel bad for the way choose to express themselves. This website is for the fans, to show each other their masterpieces in whatever form they choose. It doesn't matter if your cosplay is made from scratch, bought piece by piece online or even a Halloween costume, there is no wrong way to cosplay!
For new cosplayers, this website will give some general pointers in creating or buying your costumes and props from whatever pop culture franchise you want. Whether you're totally new to cosplay or a veteran cosplayer, Be Creative, Be Yourself!

Click the YouTube button for Channel Link

Cosplay, Conventions, Contests and overall opinions. Lets share our experiences and opinions!
Click Below to schedule a interview if you would like to be a guest.
All recordings will be posted to YouTube as well as this website.
Bookings on hold due to Coronavirus Outbreak. Check back for updates.

Next Convention:

Featured Cosplays

Lose the fear of being wrong. Because creativity is intelligence having fun. Be brave, Be happy, Be yourself.

The ability to express yourself confidently wins you the respect of others. Never be afraid to show people who you are.

The art of acceptance is making others feel welcome no matter how those individuals may view themselves. People aren't meant to be understood, they are meant to be who they truly are.

Having Fun
Never underestimate the importance of having fun. If there is no sense having it, there is no sense in doing it.